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[Online / Physical] Root Cause Analysis

[Online / Physical] Root Cause Analysis


SKU RCA Category:

How if you facing a problem at the workplace? Do you jump straight in and treat or correct the symptoms, or do you stop to diagnose whether there is actually a deeper problem that needs your attention? If you only fix the direct and contributing causes, what you see on the surface, the problem will almost certainly reoccur, and need fixing over, and over again. However, if we dig deeper to find out what is causing the problem, you can fix the underlying root cause so that the problem or event would not repeat again at your workplace. In summary, root cause analysis is a process that breaks down a problem to identify all options available to implement as corrective action. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a popular and often-used technique that helps people answer the question of why the problem occurred in the first place.



  • Understand the fundamental and concept of the root cause analysis process.
  • Able to differentiate the different types of causes within a problem.
  • Discover the real root cause of problems faced in daily operations by effectively applying the appropriate tools in the process of root causes analysis.
  • Generate effective solutions to prevent the recurrence of the root causes. 


Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the training, delegates will have the ability to:

  • Understand and apply the Root Cause Analysis in problem solving.
  • Use appropriate methodologies for analyzing possible root causes, drill down to root causes and develop solutions for a reported problem in a structure manner.
  • Lead and facilitate group improvement initiatives to solve reported problems in the organization.
  • Able to connect the solutions with change management and risk management.


Course Outline / Program:

The course covers tutorial, discussions and facilitated activities.

Root Cause Analysis (Day 1)
Time (Approximately) Description
09.00 am – 09.15 am Opening and introduction
09.15 am – 10.30 am Concept and Fundamentals

  • Error Vs Defect
  • Basic Type of Causes
  • Direct and Contributing Causes
10.30 am – 10.45 am Morning break
10.45 am – 12.30 pm 1) Understand the Root Cause Analysis Process

2) Step 1: Define the Event/Problem

  • Team Formation and Problem Identification
  • Data Collection Plan
12.30 pm – 01.30 pm Lunch
01.30 pm – 03.30 pm 1) Step 1: Define the Event/Problem

  • Team Formation and Problem Identification
  • Data Collection Plan

2) Step 2: Identify Suspected/Possible/Potential cause

  • Use Brainstorming Technique to Shortlist Potential Causes
  • Use Cause and Effect Diagram to Analyze Potential Causes
03.30 pm – 03.45 pm Afternoon break
03.45 pm – 05.00 pm Step 2: Identify Suspected/Possible/Potential cause

  • Use Brainstorming Technique to Shortlist Potential Causes
  • Use Cause and Effect Diagram to Analyze Potential Causes
Root Cause Analysis (Day 2)
Time (Approximately) Description
09.00 am – 10.30 am Step 3: Identify the Real Root Cause

  • Use the same methodology at step 2 to identify the real root cause 
  • Why-why Analysis to Dig Deeping the Root Cause
10.30 am – 10.45 am Morning break
10.45 am – 12.30 pm Step 3: Identify the Real Root Cause

  • Use the same methodology at step 2 to identify the real root cause 
  • Why-why Analysis to Dig Deeping the Root Cause
12.30 pm – 01.30 pm Lunch
01.30 pm – 03.30 pm Step 4: Recommend and Implement Solutions

  • Use How-how Analysis to generate solutions
  • System Analysis (Change Management & Risk Management)
03.30 pm – 03.45 pm Afternoon break
03.45 pm – 04.30 pm Step 5: Evaluation and Reporting

  • Follow up of the Corrective Actions/Improvement Actions 
  • Effectiveness Measurement
04.30 pm – 05.00 pm Summary and end of the course


Who Should Attend This Course?

This course is intended for those involving in root cause analysis, data collection, problem solving, implementation of corrective actions and initiating improvement initiatives will benefit from this course:

  • Process Engineer/Manager
  • Production Engineer/Manager
  • Quality Control Engineer/Manager
  • Supervisors and Leaders
  • Any personnel who is responsible on problem solving facilitation



  • There is no formal pre-requisite prior attending to this course.



  • This is a two-days course from 0900-1700 (Face to face or Remote Online Training is available upon request).


Training With Sincera Means:

  • Delegates will be trained by experienced tutors who are passionate to share their knowledge. 
  • Reliable and trusted experts with years of hands-on experience to enhance delegates’ learning curve.


Find Out More With Us:

If want to learn more about next steps, contact us for following training courses:

    • Quality Management System (ISO 9001) Internal Auditor 
    • Effective Audit Report Writing
    • Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)
    • Exemplar Global Certified Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001) Lead Auditor


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